Stay Home With Your Kids

Early reading and writing skills…

Posted on: August 21, 2010

Here are just a few quick tips on how to get your little one prepared for reading and writing.  The first tip is to teach children to recognize letters.  A great way to do this is to point out the letters when doing something as simple as the ABC’s.  If you do this children learn that those letters they are saying actually mean something.  After going over the alphabet I like to have children point out the letter that starts their name.

Another helpful tip is to have additional activities that contain letters.  For example it’s great to have letter cookie cutters for baking or even play dough.  This way, again, children can find their letter and you can help them create their name or simply make words.

Tracing names is a great activity for learning to write and recognize names especially if you cannot be hands on showing  your child how to write the letters on their own.  If you would like to add something extra, you can give your child letter cut outs to glue under each letter to match up the letters of their name.  They will learn to really recognize and look for the letters of their name.

Many activities can be created with the letter shaped cookie cutters.  Your child can paint with them too.  Also alphabet magnets do not only have to be used for refrigerators but also for magnet boards.  This is another way to allow your child to work on their own.  If you don’t have a magnet board, a cookie sheet works just as well.

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  • 450 Bubblegum Scntd: [...] Dealing with an out of control child 450 BUBBLEGUM SCNTD MINI DOTS. In any case, your best bet and most effective method is to give praise becau
  • Patrice Walker: Sounds like you guys had a blast! I definitely know about the super large drink cups that they sell. You are definitely right about how convenient t
  • Ashley: Very cute idea!